quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012


(à Lady Gaga)

Gata-gaga gambá-gaiata
Ganhando gana garganta’fora
Gaguejando gays gama gloria!

...Can't read my [Poker Face]...

Born This Way

"This is the manifesto of Mother Monster
On Goat, a government-owned alien territory and space
A birth of magnificent and magical proportions took place
But the birth was not finite
It was infinite
As the womb slumbered
And the mitosis of the future began
It was perceived that this infamous moment in life is not temporal
It is eternal
And thus began the beginning of the new race
A race within the race of humanity
A race which bares no prejudice
No judgement, but boundless freedom
But on that same day
As the eternal mother hovered in the multiverse
Another more terrifying birth took place
The birth of evil
And as she herself split into two
Rotating in agony between two ultimate forces
The pendulum of joice began its dance
It seems easy to imagine
To gravitate instantly and unwaveringly towards good
But she wondered:
How can I protect something so perfect without evil?"

Lady Gaga

v. t. Gír.
Furtar com subtileza.
[Dicionário Candido de Figueiredo, 1913]

Poker Face [cover]
Tocada [contra-baixo e violão], editada, mixada e arranjada pobremente por este que vos fala.

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