domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

[Poker Face]

[Poker Face]

[P]oker wasn’t his game
Sh[o]cked, locked in a shell
His [k]indness - a secretive spear
Ojos [e]nigmáticos
Una mi[r]ada indecifrable
[F]atal - lo dice todo sin nada decir
M[a]s a realidade
Nun[c]a esteve oculta
Sua v[e]dadeira face - nunca pôde fingir

[Poker Face]

His first [and shy] apppearence:

"I chose not to choose, that is my choice 
Chosen to be a man without a voice 
For if I never voiced who I would chose 
There is no way that I could ever lose 


I chose to live my life in anonymity 
Struggling along with no care or pity 
Grinding out day to day and pay to pay 
Living an abysmal life one step from the fray


I shall remain filled with disgust 


They have no idea what the human race is


I will abstain from the liar’s race 
Because I am a man without a face"

...can't read my [Poker Face]...

A great perspective about this poem sent by e-mail from my very abstract and dearest friend, V:

"This is a great poem - It now delves into the psyche on another level and the poker face written letter by letter sustaining throughout the poem and as well throughout  language change.  He is not just faceless but concieves the back of his back, the non of the non.  Actually seeing a whole lot - for who sees like that?  It is egoless and probably more real than realNothing is really hidden from pokerface ( who does not play poker = engage with the world) . Pokerface only receeds  from the unjust world around which there are but many false faces - so what one sees in the mirror as a face really is not there anyway! . So better to conceived the back of the " non of the non."
We are all really choiceless although we think we have choices - we are but reactions to the the choices at any moment life gives us and how we react is the only little choice leftBetter sometime not to react but review - perceptions as well can be decievingNo choice is sometime the only choice.  (That is for another whole discussion)
I wil be reading it again and will most likely have a new obsevation each time I do read it.  All your poems depend the perception of the reader and not only of the poem itself- They are truly puzzles to be explored."

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